Nelson, Watson Professional Corporation advises and represents individuals on all aspects of family law and relationship breakdowns, including marriage, common law relationships and same-sex relationships. We represent clients in cases where the separation is amicable and when it is acrimonious, including:
- Cohabitation and marriage agreements
- Separation Agreements
- Uncontested Divorces
- Contested Divorces
- Court Applications
- Division and equalization of family property (assets and debts)
- Child Support
- Spousal Support
- Custody and Access
- Variation of Existing Court Orders
- Restraining Orders
- Collaborative family law
Uncontested Divorces
The term “divorce” means the legal dissolution of a marriage. The divorce process involves application to the Court, service on the other party, filing documents and issuing of an Order by the Court. Not all separated parties elect for a formal divorce. You need your original marriage certificate in order to apply for a divorce. You also need to have been “separated” from your spouse for at least one year and one of the parties must have lived in the province where you are applying for the divorce for at least one year.
When there are no issues in dispute and the divorce is “uncontested”, it takes approximately four months to complete the paperwork and necessary steps. Contact our office to inquire about our flat fee to cover disbursements and legal fees for an uncontested divorce.